From 1 July 2022 the temporary Medicare CoVID-19 measures that allowed Telehealth consultations by telephone are no longer available. All Telehealth consultations must now be by *VIDEO* in order to qualify for a Medicare rebate.
Requirements for Telehealth
NB: Not all conditions are suitable for Telehealth and generally face-to-face appointments are preferred.
- Dr Ciin uses FaceTime for Telehealth consultations.
- You must be seated in a quiet place with a good internet connection for the consultation. You must not be driving.
- If you have FaceTime installed and enabled on your phone, Dr Ciin will make a video FaceTime to your phone at approximately the time of your appointment. If you do not have FaceTime installed, Dr Ciin will email you a link to join the FaceTime consultation when the consultation starts. The link can be opened on most devices with camera, microphone and speakers (Medicare requirement).

Telehealth Process
- Well in advance of your appointment, you need to make sure that you have suitable equipment (see above) for the consultation.
- If you do have FaceTime on your phone, make sure that Dr Ciin’s rooms have been supplied with the email address to forward the link for the consultation.
- Shortly before the appointment ensure that your device is turned on.
- Around the start of the appointment Dr Ciin will call you or email you a link. Please be aware that sometimes this may be a few minutes late.
- Any scripts or radiology/pathology referrals will be emailed/posted to you after the consultation. Scripts must be posted as an original is required. If posted, it may take a few days for you to receive these.